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Support for operational production planning and resource management in small and medium-sized enterprises

dc.contributor.advisorLečić-Cvetković, Danica
dc.contributor.otherOmerbegović-Bijelović, Jasmina
dc.contributor.otherMartić, Milan
dc.contributor.otherMarinković, Sanja
dc.contributor.otherMakajić Nikolić, Dragana
dc.creatorRakićević, Zoran
dc.description.abstractU okviru ove doktorske disertacije istražena je podrška procesu operativnog planiranja proizvodnje i upravljanja resursima u malim i srednjim preduzećima. Poseban fokus stavljen je na aktivnosti raspoređivanja i terminiranja, koji čine najkompleksnije planerske probleme na operativnom nivou. Mala i srednja preduzeća (MSP) predstavljaju dominantnu kategoriju preduzeća u Republici Srbiji, a i šire u zemljama Evropske unije (EU-28). MSP predstavljaju najučestaliju kategoriju i u proizvodnom sektoru Republike Srbije i EU. Proizvodnja prema porudžbini i željama kupaca i procesna organizacija proizvodnje predstavljaju najzastupljeniji oblik proizvodnje u MSP, a Job Shop problem raspoređivanja je sastavni deo procesa operativnog tj. kratkoročnog planiranja proizvodnje u ovoj vrsti preduzeća. Imajući u vidu da operativno planiranje neposredno prethodi aktivnostima transformacije predmeta rada i stvaranju dodatne vrednosti, poseban naglasak dat je na upravljanju proizvodnim resursima u procesu proizvodnje (sirovine, materijali i drugi predmeti rada, mašine, alati i ostala sredstva za rad, ljudski resursi, vreme prema kome se aktivnosti planiranja realizuju, novac tj. kapital, informacije, tržište). U disertaciji se daje pregled osnovnih teorijskih pojmova: mala i srednja preduzeća, podrška MSP, proces upravljanja u MSP, planiranje proizvodnje i upravljanje resursima. Pored toga, posebno je definisan proces operativnog planiranja proizvodnje, sa aspekta aktivnosti iz kojih se sastoji. Raspoređivanje i terminiranje u proizvodnji su prepoznati kao jedni od najčešćih problema iz domena operativnog planiranja proizvodnje. Oni podrazumevaju raspoređivanje proizvoda na mašine, tj. pronalaženje redosleda radnih zadataka ili poslova koji treba da se izvrše na svakoj od više mašina. Pored toga obuhvataju i definisanje vremenskih termina za početak i završetak pojedinih proizvodnih aktivnosti. Cilj pravljenja adekvatnog rasporeda, tj. redosleda operacija, proizilazi iz ograničenja kapaciteta proizvodnih resursa (radnici, mašine i druga proizvodna oprema).sr
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation proposal explores the support for operational production planning in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). Special emphasis is put on scheduling activities that represent the most complex planning problem at the operational level. SMEs are the predominant category of enterprises both in Serbia and in the European Union (EU-28). SMEs also present the most frequent type of enterprises in the manufacturing sector in Serbia and the EU-28 countries. Make-to- Order (MTO) production and production organization according to the process are the most common forms of production in small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises, and the Job Shop scheduling problem is an integral part of operational, i.e. short-term production planning in this group of enterprises. Bearing in mind that operational production planning is directly and closely related to the transformation of raw materials and semi-manufactured goods, which creates and adds value, we emphasize the need to manage manufacturing resources adequately in the production process (materials, machines, tools, labour force, time, money - i.e. capital, information, market). The dissertation proposal presents the overview of basic theoretical concepts: small and medium-sized enterprises, support for SMEs, the process of management in SMEs, production planning, and resource management. Additionally, the process of operational production planning is defined from the aspect of activities it encompasses. Production scheduling problems are observed as one of the most frequent issues in the field of operational production planning. They include scheduling products to machines, i.e. finding the sequence of tasks and activities that need to be performed on each of available machines. Also, it includes determination of time slots for the beginning and completion of certain manufacturing activities. The aim of an adequate schedule, i.e. sequence of operations, arises from the capacity constraints of production resources (workers, machines and other production equipment). Therefore, special attention is dedicated to the improvement of scheduling activities, to make adequate operational planning process which is harmonised with the needs of a particular enterprise.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet organizacionih nauka
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47003/RS//
dc.subjectupravljanje resursimasr
dc.subjectproblemi raspoređivanja i terminiranjasr
dc.subjectpodrška MSPsr
dc.subjectPlaniranje proizvodnjesr
dc.subjectoperativno planiranje proizvodnjesr
dc.subjectNSGA II.sr
dc.subjectnivo razvijenosti planiranja proizvodnjesr
dc.subjectgenetski algoritmisr
dc.subjectdvoresursno ograničeni Flexible Job Shop problemsr
dc.subjectSMEs supporten
dc.subjectscheduling problemsen
dc.subjectresource managementen
dc.subjectProduction planningen
dc.subjectoperational production planningen
dc.subjectgenetic algorithmsen
dc.subjectDual Resource Constrained Flexible Job Shop problemen
dc.subjectdevelopment level of production planningen
dc.titlePodrška operativnom planiranju proizvodnje i upravljanju resursima u malim i srednjim preduzećimasr
dc.titleSupport for operational production planning and resource management in small and medium-sized enterprisesen



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