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Modeling the effects of standardization

dc.contributor.advisorFilipović, Jovan
dc.contributor.otherŽivković, Nedeljko
dc.contributor.otherPejović, Gordana
dc.contributor.otherJednak, Sandra
dc.creatorRakić, Ana
dc.description.abstractPrethodnih godina u oblasti standardizacije mogu se zapaziti sve češće i sve ubrzanije promene. Takve promene uočljive su kako na međunarodnom, tako i na nižim nivoima standardizacije. Sve je više oblasti ljudskog delovanja koje bivaju pokrivene standardima. Takođe, sve je veći broj učesnika u procesima standardizacije, tako da u okruženju gde je izuzetno veliki broj standarda koji postoje ili se razvijaju mnoge organizacije nailaze na problem da se snađu i zadovolje zahteve brojnih propisa i standarda. Iz tog razloga veoma je važno razumeti svrhu i značaj standardizacije za poslovanje, kao i njen odnos sa bliskim oblastima. Sve pomenuto iniciralo je brojne autore, ali i određene organizacije da istražuju opravdanost takvog trenda standardizacije i kakve efekte standardi mogu imati na poslovanje. U okviru ove disertacije dat je pregled relevantne literature i svih važnijih sprovedenih studija i istraživanja o efektima standardizacije radi kreiranje odgovarjućeg modela efekata standardizacije kao osnove za usmereniji razvoj oblasti. Opšti zaključci su da razvoj standarda i njihova primena dovodi do rešavanja problema npr. kompatibilnosti ili smanjivanje broja varijanti proizvoda, i ima značajan uticaj na ekonomski rast npr. omogućava, ubrzava i smanjuje troškove tehnološkog transfera i omogućava širenje tržišta novih tehnologija. Proizvodnja komponenti i sklapanje različitih proizvoda omogućena je na različitim mestima, tako da su se i zemlje koje nisu posedovale tehnološka znanja, brzo pridružile razvijenima. Poslednjih godina naučnici su zaključili da standardizacija ima značajan uticaj na stvaranje i širenje inovacija. Nova teorija tvrdi da standardi mogu uticati na pravce tehničkih promena mnogo ranije u proizvodnom ciklusu, uglavnom kroz izgradnju pozitivnih povratnih putanji, ali i jednostavno definisanjem ključnih tehnoloških infrastruktura i platformi na kojima se mogu izgraditi razni novi proizvodi i usluge. U cilju podsticanja značajnijeg pozitivnog ekonomskog efekta, rezultati i procesi inovacija moraju da budu uspešno pozicionirani na tržištu i rasprostranjeni da bi bili primenljivi u tehnološke svrhe.sr
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, more and more rapid changes have been observed in the field of standardization. Such changes are noticeable both at international and lower levels of standardization. Also, more and more areas of human activity are covered by standards. Furthermore, there is an increasing number of participants in standardization processes, and in the environment where exist extremely large number of standards many organizations have a problem to meet the requirements of numerous regulations and standards. For this reason it is very important to understand the purpose and importance of standardization for business as well as its relationship with similar areas. All mentioned initiated a numerous authors and organizations to explore the justification of such a trend of standardization and what effects the standards may have on business. Within this dissertation, an overview of the relevant literature and all the more important studies and research on the effects of standardization is given in order to create an appropriate model of the effects of standardization as the basis for more focused development of the area. General conclusions are that the development of standards and their application lead to solving problems, for example, compatibility or variety reduction, and has a significant impact on economic growth eg. enables, accelerates and reduces the cost of technological transfer and allows the new technologies market to expand. Production of components and assembling of different products is possible in different places, so that countries that did not possess technological knowledge quickly joined the developed. In recent years, scientists have concluded that standardization has a significant impact on the creation and expansion of innovations. The new theory claims that standards can influence the direction of technical changes much earlier in the production cycle, mainly through the construction of positive return paths, but also by simply defining key technological infrastructures and platforms on which various new products and services can be built. In order to encourage a more significant positive economic effect, innovation results and processes must be successfully positioned on the market and widespread to be applicable for technological purposes.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet organizacionih nauka
dc.subjecttehničko-tehnološki efektisr
dc.subjectinovativni efektisr
dc.subjectekonomski efektisr
dc.subjectdruštveni efektisr
dc.subjectthe effectsen
dc.subjecttechnical and technological effectsen
dc.subjectsocial effectsen
dc.subjectinnovative effectsen
dc.subjecteconomic effectsen
dc.titleModelovanje efekata standardizacijesr
dc.titleModeling the effects of standardizationen



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