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Framework for evaluation of multimodal biometric systems

dc.contributor.advisorSimić, Dejan
dc.contributor.otherStarčević, Dušan
dc.contributor.otherNikolić, Boško
dc.creatorMilenković, Ivan
dc.description.abstractPrimena biometrijskih tehnologija danas u ljudskom društvu postaje sve češća, gotovo da možemo konstatovati da je ona deo naše svakodnevnice. Prilikom implementacije biometrijske autentikacije, svaki sistem ima svoje zahteve i ograničenja, u zavisnosti od konkretnog scenarija u kojem se sistem koristi. Za odabir odgovarajućeg biometrijskog modaliteta, kao i algoritama za rad sa biometrijskim modalitetom, neophodno je sprovesti odgovarajuću evaluaciju performansi rada biometrijskog sistema. Ipak, ovu evaluaciju nije uvek lako sprovesti, kako za unimodalne, tako i za multimodalne biometrijske sisteme. Čak i kada su dostupne javne baze biometrijskih podataka za evaluaciju algoritama određenog biometrijskog modaliteta, potrebno je prilagoditi rad sistema protokolu testiranja koji konkretna baza definiše. U slučaju multimodalnog pristupa, evaluacija se dodatno komplikuje usled upotrebe različitih algoritama za fuziju informacija. Kako u dostupnoj relevantnoj literaturi nije pronađen detaljan prikaz modela evaluacije multimodalnih biometrijskih sistema, a radi prevazilaženja ovih teškoća, u okviru ovog doktorata definisan je objedinjeni model evaluacije multimodalnih biometrijskih sistema. Za definisanje ovog modela primenjena je MDA (Model Driven Architecture) paradigma. U okviru objedinjenog modela dat je metamodel evaluacije multimodalnih biometrijskih sistema, koji predstavlja svojevrsnu ontologiju pojmova značajnih za ovu oblast. Primenom ovog metamodela, moguće je kreirati modele evaluacije različitih biometrijskih sistema. Na osnovu modela evaluacije multimodalnih biometrijskih sistema kreiran je prototip okvira za evaluaciju multimodalnih biometrijskih sistema. Pomoću predloženog okvira moguća je evaluacija performansi multimodalnog biometrijskog sistema u različitim slučajevima korišćenja. Eksperimentalni rezultati evaluacije nad konkretnom bazom i algoritmima pokazuju da primena okvira skraćuje za četiri puta vreme potrebno za evaluaciju. Razvijena je i nova metoda za analitičko određivanje praga osetljivosti u skladu sa postavljenim parametrima željenog ponašanja sistema. Na kraju, na primeru alata koji je koristio neke od funkcionalnosti okvira, prikazano je kako primena okvira može učiniti efikasnijim proces obrazovanja inženjera u oblasti
dc.description.abstractApplication of biometric technologies in our contemporary human society is getting more frequent, so we can almost state that biometric technologies are part of our everyday life. When implementing biometric authentication, each system has specific requirements and constraints, which depend on the actual scenario in which the system is being used. In order to choose the adequate biometric modality, and also a fitting algorithm for the chosen modality, it is necessary to perform an evaluation of the biometric system performance. However, this evaluation is not always easy to conduct. This fact is true for both the unimodal and multimodal biometric systems. Even when open biometrics databases are available for evaluation, it is necessary to adapt system to work with testing protocol of the chosen open database. Moreover, if the biometric system uses multiple biometric modalities, evaluation gets even more complicated because of different available fusion algorithms. In order to overcome these difficulties, as there is not a detailed model of multimodal biometric systems available in relevant literature, this thesis presents a unified multimodal biometric systems evaluation model. Presented model is based on MDA (Model Driven Architecture) paradigm. A part of the unified multimodal biometric systems evaluation model is the metamodel of multimodal biometric system evaluation, which represents an ontology of terms used in this domain. Based on unified multimodal biometric systems evaluation model, a prototype framework for multimodal biometrics systems evaluation has been created. By using proposed framework it is possible to evaluate performance of multimodal biometric system in different use cases. Experimental evaluation results based on used database and algorithms show that the use of framework shortens time necessary for evaluation to a quarter of previously required time. Also, a new analytical method for biometric system threshold optimization, based on the predefined desired system behavior was developed. As final, a learning tool based on some of the framework functionalities is used to show how the use of framework can make the process of educating engineers in the field of biometrics more efficient.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet organizacionih nauka
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/32013/RS//
dc.subjectmultimodalna biometrijasr
dc.subjectevaluacija performansisr
dc.subjectperformance evaluationen
dc.subjectmultimodal biometricsen
dc.titleOkvir za evaluaciju multimodalnih biometrijskih sistemasr
dc.titleFramework for evaluation of multimodal biometric systemsen

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