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Creating social marketing strategy on the internet within preventive health care: Human papilloma virus vaccination campaign

dc.creatorMitrović, Jelena
dc.creatorKnežević, Sandra
dc.creatorŽugić, Jelena
dc.creatorKostić-Stanković, Milica
dc.creatorJović, Marija
dc.creatorJaničić, Radmila
dc.description.abstractUvod/Cilj Osnovni cilj ovog članka je da se razvije osnova za kreiranje strategije marketinga na internetu u preventivnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti kroz istraživanje i kampanju za vakcinaciju protiv humanog papiloma virusa (HPV). Cilj studije je bio uvođenje strateškog pristupa socijalnog marketinga na društvene mreže u kampanji za vakcinaciju protiv humanog papiloma virusa u Srbiji. Metode Kvantitativno istraživanje je sprovedeno anketiranjem putem interneta, tokom decembra 2016. godine, u koje su bili uključeni roditelji čija su deca kandidati za vakcinaciju. Rezultati Dobijeni rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da skoro jedna trećina ispitanika ne zna šta je HPV, a skoro isti broj ispitanika zna da HPV uzrokuje rak. Pored toga, samo 14,5% ispitanika zna da je HPV bolest koja se najčešće prenosi u svetu. Uz odgovarajući nivo svesti o bezbednosti vakcine, 97% ispitanika bi odlučilo da vakciniše svoju decu. Vakcinaciju može da priušti samo 39% roditelja, mada na promenu njihovog mišljenja utiče informacija o ceni HPV vakcine. Shodno tome, 97,5% ispitanika bi se opredelilo za vakcinaciju u slučaju da je besplatno. Zaključak Na osnovu rezultata i poređenja sa najboljim praksama drugih zemalja, predložili smo marketinšku strategiju preko društvenih mreža. Kampanja se fokusira na podizanje svesti o potrebi vakcinacije protiv HPV-a i prevenciju karcinoma, uključujući širenje informacija ciljnoj populaciji putem društvenih mreža.sr
dc.description.abstractIntroduction/Objective The main aim of the paper is to develop a foundation for creating internet social marketing strategy in preventive health care, through research and campaign for vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV). The aim of the study was to introduce a strategic approach of social marketing on social networks, for vaccination against HPV campaign in Serbia. Methods Quantitative research was conducted through the internet in December of 2016, using the survey method. Participants in the study were parents whose children were candidates for the vaccination. Results The research has shown that nearly one third of respondents do not know what HPV is, and about the same number of respondents know that HPV causes cancer. In addition, only 14.5% of respondents know that HPV is the most common transmitted disease in the world. With adequate awareness of safety, 97% of respondents would decide to vaccinate their children. Only 39% of parents could afford the vaccination, although opinion change is caused by the information about the price of the HPV vaccine. Consequently, 97.5% of the respondents would opt for vaccination in the case that it is free. Conclusion Based on the results, and compared with best practices of other countries, we provided a marketing strategy via social networks. The campaign focuses on the raising awareness of the need for HPV vaccination and cancer prevention, including disseminating information to the target population, through social networks.en
dc.publisherSrpsko lekarsko društvo, Beograd
dc.sourceSrpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo
dc.subjectstrateški marketing na internetusr
dc.subjectsocijalni marketingsr
dc.subjecthumani papiloma virussr
dc.subjectstrategic marketing on the interneten
dc.subjectsocial marketingen
dc.subjecthuman papillomavirusen
dc.titleKreiranje društvene marketinške strategije na internetu u okviru preventivne zdravstvene zaštite - kampanja vakcinacije protiv humanog papiloma virusasr
dc.titleCreating social marketing strategy on the internet within preventive health care: Human papilloma virus vaccination campaignen
dc.citation.other147(5-6): 355-359



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