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Key factors of enterprise competitiveness by consumer profiles in the Republic of Serbia

dc.creatorMilić, Tanja
dc.description.abstractU vremenu globalizacije i intenziviranih evro-ekonomskih integracija, pitanje konkurentnosti srpskih preduzeća, kako na nacionalnom, tako i na internacionalnom planu, dobija na posebnom značaju. Konkurentnost preduzeća se sagledava kao sposobnost preduzeća da dizajnira, proizvede i plasira na tržište proizvode/usluge superiorne konkurentskim sa aspekta cenovnih i necenovnih kvaliteta. Obzirom da se kao krajnjisudija ponuđene vrednosti preduzeća javlja potrošač, poznavanje afiniteta potrošača prema konkretnim faktorima konkurentnosti preduzeća kao baze formulisanja uspešnih poslovnih i marketing strategija se javlja kao ključni preduslov ostvarivanja konkurentske prednosti preduzeća i, u krajnjoj instanci, dostizanja vodeće tržišne pozicije. Kako su ključni faktori konkurentnosti preduzeća različiti za pripadnike različitih zemalja, a poslovanje srpskih preduzeća uglavnom usmereno na domaće tržište, u ovom istraživačkom radu je data slika selektovanih najznačajnijih cenovnih i necenovnih faktora konkurentnosti preduzeća sa aspekta potrošača koji žive u Republici Srbiji. Slika faktora konkurentnosti je razmotrena, osim sa generalnog stanovišta potrošača isa stanovišta uticaja demografskih karakteristika potrošača. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da su sa generalnog aspekta kvalitet i cena, respektivno, dominantni faktori konkurentnosti preduzeća u Srbiji, a da sukcesivno slede način održavanja, dizajn proizvoda, rokovi isporuke,vrednosti brenda, imidž proizvoda, način plaćanja, distribucija, marka i promocija.sr
dc.description.abstractIn time of intensified globalization and euro-economic integration, the issue of the competitiveness of Serbian companies, both at national and international level, is gaining special importance. The competitiveness of enterprises is seen as the ability of the company to design, produce and market products/services superior to competition in terms of price and non-price qualities. Since as the ultimate judge of the offered value of the enterprise appears consumer, the knowledge of consumer affinity to specific factors of competitiveness of enterprise as the basis of formulating successful business and marketing strategy emerges as a key prerequisite for achieving competitive advantage and, ultimately, leading market position. As key factors of the competitiveness of enterprise are different for members of different countries, and as Serbian enterprise business is mainly focused on the domestic market, in this research paper the picture of selected the most important price and non-price factors of competitiveness of enterprises in terms of consumers living in the Republic of Serbia is given. The picture of competitiveness factors is considered, apart from general consumer standpoint and from the standpoint of the impact of the demographic characteristics of consumers, the current sense of subjective well-being of consumers and the degree of fulfillment of the various needs of consumers. Results showed that from the general aspect quality and price, respectively, are the dominant factors of competitiveness of enterprises in Serbia, and that successively follow the way of maintenance, product design, delivery deadlines, brand values, product image, the way of payment, distribution, label and promotion.en
dc.publisherSrpsko udruženje za marketing, Beograd
dc.subjectposlovna strategijasr
dc.subjectnecenovni faktori konkurentnostisr
dc.subjectmarketing strategijasr
dc.subjectključni faktori konkurentnosti preduzećasr
dc.subjectcenovni faktori konkurentnostisr
dc.subjectprice competitiveness factorsen
dc.subjectnon-price competitiveness factorsen
dc.subjectmarketing strategyen
dc.subjectkey factors of competitiveness of enterprisesen
dc.subjectbusiness strategyen
dc.titleKljučni faktori konkurentnosti preduzeća po profilima potrošača u Republici Srbijisr
dc.titleKey factors of enterprise competitiveness by consumer profiles in the Republic of Serbiaen
dc.citation.other51(1): 51-60



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