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Hyperhomocysteinemia and inflammatory biomarkers are associated with higher clinical SYNTAX score in patients with stable coronary artery disease

dc.creatorĐurić, Predrag
dc.creatorMladenović, Zorica
dc.creatorSpasić, Marijan
dc.creatorJović, Zoran
dc.creatorMarić-Kocijančić, Jelena
dc.creatorProkić, Đorđe
dc.creatorSubota, Vesna
dc.creatorRadojičić, Zoran
dc.creatorĐurić, Dragan
dc.description.abstractUvod/Cilj. Prethodne studije potvrdile su pozitivnu korelaciju između nivoa homocisteina i većeg rizika od nastanka akutnog koronarnog sindroma i moždanog udara, ali nije bilo istraživanja koja su ispitivala povezanost između vrednosti homocisteina i inflamacijskih markera i težine koronarne arterijske bolesti prema kliničkom SINTAKS skoru kod bolesnika sa stabilnom anginom pektoris. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi povezanost između koncentracije homocisteina i inflamacijskih biomarkera: interleukina (IL)-6, visoko senzitivnog C-reaktivnog proteina (hs-RCP), fibrinogena i sedimentacije eritrocita (SE) i stepena težine koronarne arterijske bolesti prema kliničkom SINTAKS skoru. Metod. Kod 82 bolesnika sa stabilnom anginom pektoris (prosečne starosti 65 ± 8 godina, 28,9% žena) urađena je koronarografija, nakon čega su podeljeni u tri grupe prema kliničkom SINTAKS skoru: I grupa LT 22 (39 bolesnika), II grupa 23-32 (16 bolesnika), III grupa > 33 (27 bolesnika). Stepen težine koronarne arterijske bolesti određen je prema kliničkom SINTAKS skoru, množenjem SINTAKS I skora i modifikovanog ACEF skora, koji uzima u obzir ejekcionu frakciju leve komore, starost bolesnika i klirens kreatinina (izvedenog pomoću Cockcroft-Gault-ove jednačine). Rezultati. Vrednosti homocisteina bile su značajno više kod bolesnika sa visokim kliničkim SINTAKS skorom [I grupa: medijana (interkvartilini raspon - IQR): 10,20 (3,97), II grupa: 10,45 (5,77), III grupa: 14,70 (7,50), p = 0,005]. Bolesnici III grupe imali su značajno više vrednosti homocisteina u poređenju sa I grupom (p = 0,001). Takođe smo detektovali pozitivnu korelaciju između inflamacijskih markera (IL-6, hs-CRP, fibrinogena i SE) i težine koronarne arterijske bolesti prema kliničkom SINTAKS skoru (p = 0.017, 0.001, 0.032, 0.049 redom). Detektovali smo značajno niže vrednosti vitamina B12 u grupama III i II u odnosu na grupu I (I grupa: medijana (IQR): 238 (160), II grupa: 171 (160), III grupa: 172 (102), p = 0,022) što ukazuje na njegovu važnu ulogu u metabolizmu homocisteina. Zaključak. Povišene koncentracije homocisteina, IL-6, hsCRP, fibrinogena i SE u plazmi detektovane su kod pacijenata sa visokim kliničkim SINTAKS skorom (> 33). Naši rezultati pokazali su da hiperhomocisteinemija i pojedini inflamacijski biomarkeri mogu ukazati na prisustvo ozbiljnije i ekstenzivnije koronarne arterijske bolesti kod bolesnika sa stabilnom anginom
dc.description.abstractBackground/Aim. Previous studies have confirmed a positive correlation between homocysteine levels and a greater risk for acute coronary syndrome and stroke, but there are no available data to support an association between homocysteine and inflammatory markers and the severity of coronary artery disease according to the clinical SYNTAX score in patients with stable angina. The aim was to determine the association between homocysteine and inflammatory biomarker levels: interleukin (IL)-6, high sensitive Creactive protein (hs-CRP), fibrinogen, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and the severity of coronary artery disease according to clinical SYNTAX score. Methods. Eighty-two patients with stable angina pectoris (average age 65 ± 8 years, 28.9% females) underwent coronary angiography and were divided into three groups according to the clinical SYNTAX score: the group I LT 22 (39 patients), the group II 23-32 (16 patients), the group III > 33 (27 patients). The severity and complexity of coronary artery disease were calculated by clinical SYNTAX score, multiplying the SYNTAX score with the modified ACEF score, based on the patients' left ventricular ejection fraction, age and creatinine clearance (derived with Cockcroft-Gault equation). Results. Homocysteine levels were significantly higher in patients with high clinical SYNTAX score [the group I: median (interquartile range - IQR): 10.20 (3.97), the group II: 10.45 (5.77), the group III: 14.70 (7.50), p = 0.005]. Patients in the group III had significantly higher homocysteine levels compared to the group I (p = 0.001). We also found a positive association between inflammatory biomarkers (IL-6, hsCRP, fibrinogen, ESR) and the severity of coronary artery disease according to the clinical SYNTAX score (p = 0.017, 0.001, 0.032, 0.049 respectively). We detected significantly lower plasma levels of vitamin B12 in the group III and group II in comparison with the group I (the group I: median (IQR): 238 (160), the group II: 171 (160), the group III: 172 (102), p = 0.022), which indicates its important role in homocysteine metabolism. Conclusion. The elevated plasma levels of homocysteine, IL-6, hsCRP, fibrinogen, ESR were detected in patients with high clinical SYNTAX score (> 33). Our results showed that hyperhomocysteinemia and some inflammatory biomarkers can predict more severe and extensive coronary artery disease in stable angina patients.en
dc.publisherVojnomedicinska akademija - Institut za naučne informacije, Beograd
dc.sourceVojnosanitetski pregled
dc.subjectzapaljenje, medijatorisr
dc.subjectkoronarna bolestsr
dc.subjectangina, stabilnasr
dc.subjectinflammation mediatorsen
dc.subjectcoronary diseaseen
dc.subjectangina, stableen
dc.titleHiperhomocisteinemija i biomarkeri inflamacije povezani su sa višim kliničkim SINTAKS skorom kod bolesnika sa stabilnom koronarnom arterijskom bolešćusr
dc.titleHyperhomocysteinemia and inflammatory biomarkers are associated with higher clinical SYNTAX score in patients with stable coronary artery diseaseen
dc.citation.other78(7): 736-744

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