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XBRL, reporting and investor relations: Solution of all problems or additional burden?

dc.creatorNedeljković, Natalija
dc.creatorKostić-Stanković, Milica
dc.creatorŠtavljanin, Velimir
dc.description.abstractXBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) predstavlja jedan od mark-up jezika koji se koristi za standardizovanu distribuciju poslovnih i računovodstvenih podataka. Razvoj XBRL-a bio je prvenstveno uslovljen potrebom da se omogući efikasna elektronska obrada i distribucija računovodstvenih i drugih podataka o poslovanju kompanija, bez obzira na razlike u jezicima, računovodstvenim standardima ili oblasti u kojoj posluju analizirane kompanije. Pored međusobne i razmene podataka sa nadzornim telima finansijskih tržišta, pojedinačna akcionarska društva na razvijenim tržištima sve više koriste XBRL standard za distribuciju podataka investitorima u njihove hartije od vrednosti. Uticaj XBRL-a na odnose sa investitorima se ogleda u tačnijem i aktuelnijem izveštavanju, čime se smanjuju troškovi i rizik investiranja, a posledično i cena kapitala. Ipak, iako je XBRL koncept pompezno najavljen u svetu finansijskog izveštavanja, praksa pokazuje da njegova primena nije još uvek zaživela u očekivanom obimu. Činjenica da je ovaj koncept još uvek nov za većinu učesnika na tržištu, kako onih na strani kompanija, tako i onih na strani investitora, stvara izvesnu dozu odbojnosti prema njegovoj upotrebi i bojazan da će se izgubiti fleksibilnost u izveštavanju, a većina učesnika još uvek nije ni naviknuta da u praksi koristi sve prednosti koje im ovaj koncept omogućava. Ipak, kreatori XBRL-a ne postavljaju pitanje da li će upotreba ovog koncepta u potpunosti zaživeti u praksi, već samo kada će se to dogoditi.sr
dc.description.abstractXBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) is a mark-up language used for the standardized distribution of business and accounting information. The development of XBRL was primarily caused by the need to provide efficient electronic processing and distribution of accounting and other information about the companies, regardless of differences in languages, accounting standards or areas in which analyzed companies operate. In addition to the exchange of information between companies or with financial markets supervising bodies, single stock companies in developed markets are increasingly using the XBRL standard for distributing information to investors in their securities. Impact of the XBRL on the investor relations is reflected in a more accurate and up to date reporting, which results in reducing costs and risks of investment, and consequently the cost of the capital. However, although the concept of XBRL has been loudly announced, practice shows that its application has not yet come to life in the expected extent. The fact that the concept is still new to the most of market participants, both those in companies and investors, creates a certain amount of repulsion in it’s use and the fear that the flexibility in reporting will be lost. Also, most of the participants are still not accustomed to all the advantages that this concept provides. However, the creators of XBRL believe that it is not a question whether this concept will be used widely in practice, but only when it will happen.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Beograd
dc.sourceInfo M
dc.subjectposlovno izveštavanjesr
dc.subjectodnosi sa investitorimasr
dc.subjectfinansijsko izveštavanjesr
dc.subjectdistribucija i obrada podatakasr
dc.subjectinvestor relationsen
dc.subjectfinancial reportingen
dc.subjectdata distribution and analysesen
dc.subjectbusiness reportingen
dc.titleXBRL, izveštavanje i odnosi sa investitorima - rešenje svih problema ili dodatno opterećenje?sr
dc.titleXBRL, reporting and investor relations: Solution of all problems or additional burden?en
dc.citation.other11(41): 15-20



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